Welcome to Creating a Pipeline. I'm glad you stopped by and I hope you enjoy the read. Let me start off by introducing myself.
My name is Ryan, I am married and have three dogs. To the left you can see me on the happiest day of my life; my wedding day. Someday my wife and I hope to have kids, but we want to get some things in place first. I am a robotics and automation engineer. I've worked in this field for about six years after studying a Mechatronic Engineering degree at Curtin University. I really enjoy my job, even with all its stresses and headaches. I do know that my career choice, however, will result in me working till I'm old and grey and force me to retire on a lesser income. This is not the future I look forward to and also not the future I want to provide for my wife. Ultimately I would like to find a way to provide an income that gives us a lifestyle. A lifestyle where we can choose if we want to work or not. My blog is all about the investigation to find that method to give us exactly what we are looking for. I hope my experiences will help you to find the same lifestyle and happiness I hope to achieve.
If you like my blog, please leave comments and let me know. If you don't like it, please leave feedback as well. I'd love to hear what everyone else is doing out there and what they think about what I am doing.