The most famous network marketing system is Amway which many will recognise the name of as it has been around for more than fifty years. There are many other similar systems out there and they can generally all be found on Google. For those that think it's a scam (or that it doesn't work) I have to tell you that it does work and it is not a scam. If you look into it, you will see that the tax office even has a separate tax system for network marketing income. I am no longer affiliated with this system even though I did make some money. One of the biggest misconceptions with network marketing is that you have to sell the products to make money. This is also not the case.
How does it work?
A network marketing system has a range of products. These will most likely be household consumables that you would normally buy for the supermarket. Instead of buying the groceries from the supermarket, you buy it through the marketing system. By doing this you earn points and you get a small rebate. This is where most people stop and then say that network marketing is a scam and does not work. You need to go beyond this step.
Network marketing is all about creating a network, as the name suggests. You introduce people to this system and they also shop and earn points in the same way you do. All the people down the line from you also earn points. These peoples points are added to yours, earning you a bigger rebate. Once you have progresses further, you can start multiple lines which will then earn you a differential income which is where the big money comes in. I know this is a very fast explanation that won't make sense to a lot of people, but if it is a method that suits you, it is worth investigating further.
Why doesn't it work for everyone?
In my experience it takes the right personality to make this system work. You need to be willing to work at it no matter what. You need to constantly be introducing the system to new people as most people don't really take on the new method of shopping. This can be quite disheartening and the reason why most people, like myself, stop trying. While I was working the system, I did start to make money, but my network wasn't big enough yet to make the income consistent. If you feel that you are the sort of person that won't get put off by people telling you that you are in a scam, or people not really making an effort with you, you will eventually succeed in this business. I have seen people earn pretty decent income in less that a year of building a network and people that have been trying for many years only to be earning a small amount. This type of business is all about motivation and being thick skinned. Aiming for you goal and not giving up.
Why didn't it work for me?
I found that I was not passionate about the system. I believed in the system and understood how it worked, but didn't go out looking for people to join the network. In short, I wasn't being consistent. If you consistently build this network, it will have no choice but to grow and succeed. I went through phases of motivation where things would go well, so I'd work at it. When things didn't go my way, I would avoid it. This is a recipe for failure.
Is this the pipeline for you?
Do your homework and understand the system. They all normally have free seminars to explain Network Marketing. Ask lots of questions until you being to understand it. If you feel that you are motivated and willing to go for it, then this pipeline will work for you. Just remember that the system will only work if you commit to it 100%. This means that if you are introducing people to your network and telling them to buy groceries from the network marketing system, then you need to be doing the same thing. They will tell you to "sell yourself to the system". I know, it makes it sound like a cult, but its true. If you don't work the system, it won't work for you.
If you have had success with a network marketing system, please comment below and let us know of your success. Or on the other hand if you have tried and failed like me, I would love to hear from you as well. Please refrain from commenting if you think this method of extra income is a scam. As I have stated previously, there has been plenty of proof to show that this is a legitimate business opportunity.
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